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Friday, November 8, 2013

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Facebook’s purchase of Instagram

Posted: 08 Nov 2013 06:10 AM PST

The social networking and media giant Facebook acquired the popular freeware photo sharing application Instagram, along with all of its employees, for approximately $1 billion in a cash and stock trade.
Originally only supported on the iPhone and other Apple products, recent expansion into the Android market assured the success and purchase of the company by Facebook. This move will integrate the effective and intuitive application into the photo sharing capabilities of Facebook.
Instagram has the largest user base of any Facebook purchase and is hoping the new acquisition will provide incentive for new user to join and existing users to stay. Intelligent and efficient assimilation, rather than a desperate mixture of applications, will provide the best service to the users by using the experience of Instragram and their successful photo sharing technology.
Advancements in Facebook's photo program are a welcome change for the users who have dealt with the sporadic and complicated changed made in their system. Better photo sharing ability, applications, and albums may be in the cards for Facebook and its users. One of Facebook's main draws is the ability to share pictures with friends and family, and this advancement will supply users with the evolution that they desire while working within Facebook.
In the spirit of the internet and what it stands for, Facebook plans on allowing photos to be published on other social networking sites and having Instagram continue to be a freeware application. This freedom will allow Instagram users to continue the free sharing and following of other users who are not only Facebook friends.
Facebook plans on using the experience of Instagram to not only enhance their photo sharing program, but also intend to expand other applications as well. Integration of ideas will expand all points of interest on Facebook and will grant users greater flexibility and ability in times to come. Both CEO's have voiced their pleasure and are looking forward to their continued and successful relationship.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

You Can Possibly Make An income On the internet Participating in Odd “Virtual” Tasks

Posted: 03 Nov 2013 03:23 PM PST

freelanceYou practically realize that you can possibly make cash flow working on many different odd tasks round your area. However, do you know that you are able to make cash completing odd “virtual jobs” also? We’re not at all saying seriously competitive sites, but through listing site like Gigbucks. This popular web site will let blog writers, virtual helpers, web marketing professionals in addition to other jack-of-all-traders to end up making extra earnings in poor days.

Tasks You Will Find When You Earn money online

Exactly what the categories of work which you might see from a web listing internet site? Quite a few of the work you will discover at this type of web-site never include actual products but incorporate simply writing a commentary or writing a blog, url buildingng, web researching along with other office variety jobs. Specifically what are among the jobs you might just come across on any time? You might discover deals along the lines of creating e-mail lists, building scripts, having facebook likes, twitter followers, or possibly various online marketing opportunities. Also there are unquestionably very little limits about what kind of odd jobs is often posted, as long as the promotions are in good style. a lot of men and women have spotted part-time freelancing projects by keeping a watchful eye on all of these no cost listing online sites.

The best way to help you get cash on the internet

Make money online is actually a point of time as well as correspondence, definitely not credentials. After all, there are many people on line happy to pay you via PayPal in order to do a handful of quite ordinary online tasks. And though some of these opportunities incorporate on-line commuting, actually there are means to generate income and get paid basically by working on various forms of tasks, similar to translating, providing advice, providing personalised education, creating video or audio content material and stuff like that.

Monday, September 2, 2013

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Find your sugar daddy in El Paso

Posted: 02 Sep 2013 06:11 AM PDT

Find your sugar daddy in El PasoYou are free to meet as few- or as many- people as you would like with sugar daddy dating. You can have a date every single night of the week if you would like, each of which shows you a better way of living, all of the things you've always wanted.

Finding a Special Person

As you can certainly imagine there are thousands of people in El Paso looking for a sugar daddy or a sugar mama. This offers you the chance to meet the perfect person to cater to your needs, no matter what you are searching for. The key to finding someone to fill your days is to create a successful profile. This includes a few good photos, an interesting bio of yourself and detailed information concerning just what it is you are looking for.

Do not wait a Minute Longer

If you are tired of playing games with people who cannot support themselves or who aren't financially stable, it is time to play the game to win and join in on the sugar daddy dating hysteria! By tonight you could be out and about with someone who will rock your world! Read more about dating a sugar daddy in El Paso.

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

The Addu Atoll Maldives

Posted: 19 Aug 2013 09:52 PM PDT

The Addu Atoll MaldivesIf you are looking to spend a holiday that is focused on rest and relaxation a tip to the Maldives will be most rewarding. There are many water sporting activities that you can take part in or just sit and chill by the beach depending on your liking. If you are looking to get a bit more out of your trip to the Maldives you should take a visit to the Addu Atoll. this atoll is located to the southernmost part of the Maldives and the experience that you will get is completely different when compared to other locations. This atoll is very popular among independent travelers and provides a truly authentic feel of Maldivian life. The Locals are more welcoming to tourists. Its the perfect way of escaping the rudiments of the traditional tourist lifestyle.

Several Islands and islets Make up the Addu Atoll many of them are still not inhabited. This is the main reason why this atoll is so special the scene is completely untouched thus providing a truly authentic experience. There are four channels in this Atoll these are Gan Kandu, Kuda Kandu, Maa Kandu, and Vilingili Kandu. One interesting fact about this Atoll is that is was unaffected by the 1998 coral bleaching which affect corals all over the world.

A popular island is Gan located in the Addu Atoll. The tourist services offered are reasonable and the locals are friendly. The Island in the past served as a British Naval base. The resort on the island is connected to five other islands by 17 km of road which by the way is the longest piece of road in the Maldives. A popular pastime on the Addu Atoll is traversing the island by bike you can travel by road to visit all the other islands which are completely untouched by the tourism industry.

As you enjoy what this Atoll has to offer spend some time and relax having coffee at one of the local Maldivian villages. Sit with the local at a picnic and listen to what makes the Maldives so special. Read more about Maldives atolls.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Cricket News and Cricket Highlights - Crichotline

Cricket News and Cricket Highlights - Crichotline

India vs Zimbabwe 4th ODI Highlights Bulawayo 2013 #IndvsZim

Posted: 01 Aug 2013 10:24 AM PDT

India vs Zimbabwe Highlights 4th ODI 2013. India vs Zimbabwe 4th ODI Highlights 1st August 2013. IND vs ZIM Cricket Highlights 2013. Watch India Tour of Zimbabwe Highlights 2013.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Ashes 3rd Test Day 1 Highlights – 1 August 2013 #Ashes

Posted: 01 Aug 2013 10:19 AM PDT

Ashes 3rd Test Day 1 Cricket Highlights – 2013. Ashes 2013 Cricket Highlights 3rd Test Day 1 at Trafford 1st August. The Ashes Highlights 2013. England vs Australia 3rd Test Ashes Series 2013 Highlights.

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3 – Coming up

Part 1

Part 2 Onwards coming up

Monday, July 22, 2013

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Get more Pinterest followers to increase your traffic

Posted: 22 Jul 2013 03:57 AM PDT

Get more Pinterest followers to increase your trafficPinterest is the rage in social media sites. The site has over 10 million members at this point and is newer than some of the social media giants. The amazing thing is that Pinterest gets more referrals to your personal website than Google+, LinkedIn, and Youtube combined. Just think of all the traffic you can generate using Pinterest, assuming you know how to use the site to its full potential.

Pinterest is like other social media sites in that it is based on popularity. People who use Pinterest follow pins, or posts, that are popular and that other people are reposting, or in Pinterest terms "repinning". The way Pinterest works is that people find a pin that they find interesting and click a button below the image that repins the post for their followers to see. The more followers a person has on Pinterest means that more people will be able to see what they pin.

Remember, popularity is the key to social media sites like Pinterest. The more followers or friends a member has, the more popular they are. The most popular members have the power to drive enormous amounts of traffic to their site, and we all know that the more traffic a website gets, the more status is gained in search engine results.

Pinterest can be used as a valuable tool for generating massive amounts of traffic to your site. Under each pin you post, you are allowed to enter the URL to your website. Each time someone repins your original post, your URL is being repinned along with it, giving your website maximum exposure. Your URL will show up on other members boards, directing traffic to your site. It is a great tool for monetizing your website through exposure.

The only catch is that you need the popularity gained from massive amounts of followers in order to get the maximum amount of traffic to your site. The more followers you have following and reposting your pins on Pinterest, the more of an advantage you have broadcasting your URL and driving traffic to your site. This is where Gigbucks can help. Click here for more info about getting Pinterest followers.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Offer your services on Gigbucks

Posted: 11 Jul 2013 07:18 AM PDT

Did you start a new business but having a hard time getting clients? You will be able to get your name out to many of different people without spending a lot of money on advertising. You are able to join Gigbucks for free. The only time you will have to pay anything, is when you are done with the gig. Gigbucks will take the fee out of the money that you just earned. For example, when you post a service for $5.00, they will take a $1.00 for the fee. The reason why they take a fee for every service that you have done is due to them bringing the sellers and buyers together.

You will be able to post services, that you business does. When you post a service, you will have a good chance of several different people looking at your service. Then, if they are looking for the service that you are offering, they will be able to ask you do what they need to be done.

With using Gigbucks, you will only be able to post your service for $5.00. That is standard for everybody that joins Gigbucks. You will be able to post services for more money but that can only be done when you have completed services. The highest that you will be able to go on being paid is $5.00.

When you get paid the money will be placed into your Gigbucks account. You will be able to keep it there until either you want the money or you can take it out right away. You will need either a PayPal or a Payza account to be able to transfer the money too.
Gigbucks is a very legit website. When you post a service, do not ask the buyer for any personal information until you get a request to do the services that you are offering.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Cricket News and Cricket Highlights - Crichotline

Cricket News and Cricket Highlights - Crichotline

India vs Sri Lanka Live Streams Tri-Series 2013 #IndvsSL #Triseries

Posted: 08 Jul 2013 10:43 PM PDT

India vs Sri Lanka cricket live streams of Tri-Series 2013. Sri Lanka vs India 6th ODI live streams of Tri-Nation series 2013. Live Streams of Tri-Nation series in West Indies 2013 online.

India will play the last league stage game against Sri Lanka and will also be the deciding game for the finals. Sri Lanka won convincingly against West Indies in last game which has made it wide open for all the teams. For India to reach finals they need to win with a bonus point or big margin against Sri Lanka. For Sri Lanka to reach final they just need a win and that will make West Indies qualify for the finals as well.

India vs Sri Lanka Live Streams Tri-Series 2013

India vs Sri Lanka game will be covered by Ten Cricket, Sky Sports and ESPN 3 and can be watched online in HD. Ten Cricket is the official broadcaster of the series and all the matches are streamed online from official broadcasters online as well. All the streams provided are completely free and are in HD to view anywhere anytime.

Match Timings: 09:30 local | 13:30 GMT | 19:00 IST

Watch India vs Sri Lanka 6th ODI Live Streams:

1. http://thecrictv.com

2. http://thecricket-tv.info

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Hilarious StandUp Comedy: StandUpBits

Posted: 03 Jul 2013 08:59 PM PDT

A new YouTube comedy channel, StandUpBits, will give television presence like Saturday Night Live and the David Letterman Show a run for their money. Comedy got its beginnings in America with the radio show–in the late 1920s–when the Cuckoo Hour was launched. By 1950, there were 25 comedy variety shows on television, and today late-night shows like the Tonight Show and Conan O’Brien fill out the offerings.

The new channel will be accessible via the web, and will offer, daily a new release, one new video, bit, or sketch each day. Also, the channel will offer about 4,500 videos, sketches, stand-up routines, or pieces in general. Viewers can easily access these from any location, from the airport to the train station to the office or home.

The site can be found at http://www.youtube.com/user/standupbits.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Das Paradies auf Erden: Die Malediven

Posted: 01 Jul 2013 06:57 PM PDT

Irgendwie kann man sich grad gar nichts mehr darunter vorstellen. Das Bild vor dem geistigen Auge rast 100 Meilen pro Sekunde an einem vorbei.
Schuld daran ist nur er. Der Heimkehrer aus dem Malediven Urlaub.
Seine Euphorie, sein wasserfallartiger Redeschwall lässt einem sprichwörtlich keine Gelegenheit, um in seinem unermesslichen Vorstellungsvermögen von weißen Sandstränden und atemberaubenden Unterwasserwelten zu träumen.

Die Lage ist ausgezeichnet
Zum Glück gibt es für all diejenigen, die sich noch nie ein Bild von der Inselgruppe- bestehend aus 19 Inseln und mehreren Atollen- machen konnten, dieses Video.
Eindrucksvoll werden mit anschaulichen Bildern aus den verschiedensten Blickwinkeln die wichtigsten touristischen Freizeitvergnügen sowie Informationen über die kulturellen Gegebenheiten der Malediven Republik beschrieben.
In relaxten, sachlichen und ruhigem Tonfall bringt der Sprecher des Videos allen Interessierten der rund 450km südwestlich von Sri Lanka entfernten Inselgruppe das “Paradies auf Erden” näher.

Malediven- Eine Oase für Touristen
Es ist gerade mal ein knapp zweieinhalbminütiger Abstecher in diese andere Welt.
In diese wunderschöne, einzigartige und faszinierende Traumwelt. Ein Abstecher, der einen vor dem Bildschirm fesselt und die Sehnsucht freisetzt seinen nächsten Urlaub dort zu verbringen. Und doch muss man sich eines vor Augen halten. Die Malediven sind längst gewappnet für den großen Touristenansturm. Seit den 70er Jahren hat sich die langgezogene Inselgruppe aus dem Indischen Ozean dem Tourismus verschrieben. Neben der Fischerei ist der Tourismus das Steckenpferd der Malediven. Kein Wunder: Durchschnittstemperaturen von 29 Grad und das angenehm warme Wasser des Indischen Ozeans locken selbst Reisemuffel hinter dem Ofen hervor.

Action & Abenteuer vs. himmlischer Ruhe
Besonders beliebt sind die Malediven aber vor allem wegen dem abwechslungsreichen Angebot.

Auf der einen Seite erhebt sich das Zentrum der Malediven, die Hauptstadt Male, vor den staunenden Touristen. Mit ihren jahrhundertealten Traditionen, ihrem islamisch geprägten Glauben, ihrem bunten Wochenmärkten und ihrem geschäftigen Treiben zieht die 125 000 Einwohner Stadt jedes Jahr dutzende Schaulustige in Ihren Bann.
Auf der anderen Seite die malerischen, abgeschiedenen Fischerdörfer.

“Land der unbegrenzten Attraktionen”
“Das Gefühl von Freiheit, Abenteuer und Entspannung pur ist einzigartig”, betont der Sprecher angesichts der Entdeckungsmöglichkeiten auf den Malediven unmissverständlich.

Ein Besuch der Malediven ohne eine Kreuzfahrt zu machen, wäre daher zu vergleichen wie mit dem Verlassen eines Sternerestaurants nach der Vorspeise.
Es ist die Attraktion eines jeden Malediven Urlaubs.
Jeden Abend vor einer anderen Lagune ankern.
Jeden Tag über das azurblaue Meer driften.
Und dann auch noch jeden Tag die Chance zu bekommen die besten Tauchplätze des Landes zu erkunden.
Hautnah können sich Gäste in den ausgedehnten Korallenlabyrinthen Meeresbewohnern aller Art nähern
Das absolute Highlight ist dabei natürlich die Begegnung mit den riesigen Walfischhaien und den Mantas.

Die faszinierenden Eindrücke, die die geschickt gewählten reizvollen Bilder in wenigen Minuten hinterlassen, dürften einem keinen Zweifel mehr an der Feststellung, dass der das Paradies tatsächlich ein Ort auf Erden ist.

Wer nach dem Betrachten des Videos seinen nächsten Urlaub auf die Malediven günstig planen will, findet zusätzlich am Ende des Videos noch eine geeignete Webadresse hierfür.

Friday, June 28, 2013

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

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Developing The Isometric Mind - Stone Paul Developing The Isometric Mind Torrent Ensure That Your Joints Stay Youthful, Strong and Supple For Decades To Come?! ... read more..
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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

The daily new funny: StandUpBits

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 11:25 AM PDT

StandUpBits is offering more than just bits and pieces, which is usually a trademark of YouTube, by launching a new comedy channel that is dedicated to stand up and comedy videos. Just launched, the site offers 4,500 videos with a new comedy video being released each day. The site plans to continue unveiling one new video per day.

With links and connects via Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, StandUpBits combines the best of social networking with the television station, offering, perhaps, a leap forward in internet-based television, which has been slow to be launched via the internet. Channels in all sorts of genres could, potentially, follow, much in the way MTV, had it caught on, might have been a precursor for stations revolving around concepts or genres like music and comedy. StandUpBits promises to put together that spark of intention with the execution of going beyond the collection of bits and pieces to offer a streamlined station, much the way television shows began to replace radio shows in the early 1950s.

For more information, visit the site at the StandUpbits Youtube channel.

Monday, June 17, 2013

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

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Friday, June 14, 2013

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This may be the official The Magic Of Making Up review by an individual who has study by way of the complete guide and applied it in actual life. A handful of testimonials are written by people that just skim by means of the program but have never ever really applied the understanding. This review is distinctive since it is written to expose the truth behind The Magic Of Making Up and decide regardless of whether or not it really lives up to the hype.


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The Magic Of Making Up - The Magic Of Making Up Affiliate Banner That's the magic of making up! It's impossible to dismiss the person you love, or walk away from a relationship or commitment with a person you love. ... Download The Magic Of Making Up. Now
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The Magic Of Making Up The Magic Of Making Up Affiliate Banner That's the magic of making up! It's impossible to dismiss the person you love, or walk away from a relationship or commitment with a person you love. ... read more..
, The Magic Of Making Up Reviews, 9.5 out of 10 based on 90 ratings

Thursday, June 13, 2013

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This is the official The Tao Of Badass review by an individual who has study by means of the whole guide and applied it in actual life. A handful of critiques are written by people who basically skim via the plan but have by no means in fact applied the expertise. This assessment is exclusive because it is written to expose the truth behind The Tao Of Badass and establish no matter whether or not it genuinely lives as much as the hype.


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The Tao Of Badass info from www.thetaofbadass.com

The Tao Of Badass Joshua Pellicer The Tao Of Badass Does The Tao of Badass Work? Can You Successfully Pickup Chicks With This ebook? ... read more..
, The Tao Of Badass Reviews, 9.5 out of 10 based on 70 ratings

Friday, June 7, 2013

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