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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Cricket current - a cricket blog

Cricket current - a cricket blog

India no.1 team in ICC test rankings after series win against Sri Lanka

Posted: 05 Dec 2009 08:55 PM PST

India has won the Mumbai test and has clinched the series 2-0 against Sri Lanka. India after the win are now no.1 team in ICC test rankings. Earlier they shared similar points with South Africa but with a difference in decimal points. With this win India is no.1 in test rankings followed by South Africa in no.2, Australia at 3 and Sri Lanka at no.4.

Now, India can be displaced from the first position in the test rankings if South Africa wins the upcoming first two tests against England. The second test ends on December 30. This means till December 30, India will remain the no.1 test team in the world.

This is the first time that India has become no.1 in ICC test rankings. Earlier only Australia and South Africa could reach the first position in ICC test rankings.


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