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Friday, May 31, 2013

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

merging Markets Require Innovative Strategists like Anthea Technologies

Posted: 31 May 2013 03:32 AM PDT

Not too long ago, Marketing required volumes of field research data, expensive design consultants, and advertising strategies more complex than the products themselves. The new age of the internet has changed all this, at a rate so rapid that the beginning entrepreneur can now compete with major corporations by just coming up in video search results.

Enter “Search Engine Optimization” (SEO): the new grounds that used to be exclusive to open ended budgets and marketing tycoons. One example of a company that offers SEO services can be found at http://www.anthea.com. Anthea Technologies Inc. promises to utilize the potential of billions of views on YouTube to be directed to their consumers’ video. In effect, opening the doors to an audience or customer base that is beyond the reach of local newspaper ads or flyers. Anthea’s customers are promised to achieve top three rankings in keyword search results, which is what most users tend to view first.

This incredible service can alleviate the pressures of a video blogger, or company trying to get their message out there. All this can be achieved within the small span of 30 days. According to the website there is a transparent 90 day money back guarantee. The company obviously backs their projects with an uncanny commitment hard to find in any business.

The organization’s website is easy on the eyes, well laid out, and simple to navigate. For those who are viewing from a mobile device, the site map is easily located. The site has chosen a theme of progress and fluidity, which transfers into the strategy of their customers – ease of use, and peace of mind. For more information, a contact page is conveniently located in main hyperlink menu.

In conclusion, www.anthea.com/blog/ proves to be an easy to use service that can very well contribute to the success of anyone attempting to utilize the new world of online videos.


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