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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

The Wedding Bonanza - Simple or Extravagant?

Posted: 02 Mar 2010 11:05 AM PST

I visited a book-store recently. In the front aisle, different fashion magazines were pinned up. The theme was apparently bridal wear. They were really pretty dresses. My sister asked me which one I liked the best. She chose the silver and blue one while I went for the silver and red one. She told me [...]

New Petroleum Prices

Posted: 02 Mar 2010 12:49 AM PST

For 1st March, 2010 the government announced new petroleum prices; though this time the government made a sincere effort to show a reduce in pricing but failed miserably. It seems that government has only mastered the act of ridiculing masses and the nation vehemently. In a bid to reduce prices the government only found space [...]

Saudi Arab and India - New Diplomatic Friends

Posted: 02 Mar 2010 12:16 AM PST

In the recent geopolitical front the development of friendship between Saudi Arab and India is being looked at very closely. Indians got an overwhelming welcome by the Saudi's; the entire royal cabinet was present at the airport to welcome the Indian P.M; an honor previously enjoyed by China and France only. Such a start to [...]

Electricity Theft In Nawaz Sharif Rally

Posted: 01 Mar 2010 06:34 PM PST

Just when we thought that the Politicians and political parties can’t get any more dishonorable and shameless, another incident happened live on Pakistani channels. Yes Folks PML (N)  Rally was powered by illegal electricity connection. Isnt it funny! how the bearers of the poor are caught red handed trying to be too smart. According to the [...]


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