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Friday, June 4, 2010

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Hajj Policy 2010

Posted: 03 Jun 2010 06:48 PM PDT

Finally the much awaited Haj policy for year 2010 was announced yesterday, with a 19% increase in Hajj expenses as compared to the previous year. Federal Minister for Religious Affairs Syed Hamid Saeed Kazmi announced the hajj policy. According to the new policy, Ministry of Religious Affairs would start receiving Haj applications, under the government [...]

Strings now Brand Ambassador of Etihad Airways

Posted: 03 Jun 2010 06:44 PM PDT

Great News for Pakistanis and specially for the fans of Pop-rock band Strings as  Eithad Airways signed the dynamic duo as its brand ambassador to target expatriates living around the world.  The contract will last 1 year. A huge news like this of an international airline selecting a Pakistani band is the first in Pakistan [...]


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