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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Pakistan tops Google searches for Allah

Posted: 22 Jun 2010 02:08 AM PDT

A few months back there was alot of hype in the media promoting the notion that Pakistan was one of the highest countries searching for the word ’sex’ on Google. After the hype has worn down I decided to see if this is still the case or if all that hype was just propaganda against [...]

Jootay Chor in Mosques

Posted: 22 Jun 2010 01:50 AM PDT

There was a time when we had Friday and Saturday as official holidays, so as to facilitate the mosque-goers for the Jumma prayers. Even though the days have been switched, a 3 hour break is mandated everywhere so that everyone can prepare to go to the mosque. It is a part of Rasul Allah's (S.A.W) [...]


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