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Monday, June 7, 2010

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Azad Kashmir Border – Photo Gallery

Posted: 07 Jun 2010 03:39 PM PDT

Here are some photographs which my friend took while he was in Azad Kashmir. These are more or less near the Line of Control near Chakothi on the Pakistani side and Uri on the Indian Side of Kashmir. I dont know the exact location but this area is is four hours drive from Bagh and [...]

Electoral System Going Digital in Pakistan

Posted: 07 Jun 2010 02:56 PM PDT

I think its fair to say this is easily the best news update i have heard in the past week, clearly i was disppointed with Budget 2010-11 and Economic Survey 2009-10. Yes folks its true , Electoral system is going digital as SC decides to introduce electronic voting system in Paksitan. With all nations [...]


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