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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Ladies First – Pakistani Sportswomen to Reckon with

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 09:11 AM PDT

Remember Sania? Remember Shoaib? Well of course you do, who doesn't. But don't worry; I am not going to talk about them here. The personal lives of our cricket team have been deliberated more than necessary as it is. Rest assured I am not to indulge in any more petty gossip about them. The only [...]

Beware – 3g Mobile Phone Scam

Posted: 30 Jun 2010 08:27 AM PDT

Received a forward from one of my friends. It was about the latest mobile phone scam in our society, i thought to share with our viewers, so that they exactly know what to do , when someone asks them to shut down their mobile for 3g update. Here it how the fraudster go about their [...]


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