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Thursday, May 6, 2010

An eBay member wants to show you this item

From collectibles to cars, buy and sell all kinds of items on eBay eBay sent this message to Jen lyon (eegosales).
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An eBay member wants to show you this item
Dear friend:
   A few days ago, I came across a good shopping website.
They contact me through an EBAY,
They is  electronic international trading wholesalers company .
They company can offer you the best products and the low price but with the high quality. They agent various electronic products(mobile phones, TVs, digital cameras, etc.). . all the products are original with 1-3 years global warranty. They have many resellers on ebay.
It is amazing that the products have competitive price and high-quality.
I have bought some items from this site, and i am very satisfied with their items and services.
If you have any question please contact with the online servicers you will have a good reply.
So do have a look at this web page : <eegosales.com>
MSN: <eegosales@hotmail.com>
E-mail  : <eegosales@188.com>
I hope it will give you some help.
Item and user details
Item Title: NEW Sealed Apple ipad 32GB wi Presale Worldwide 32 G
Item Number: 270260408495
Item URL: heep://cgi.ebay.com/ws/ebayISAPI.dll?viewITEM&item=270260408495
End Date: Feb-03-08 18:11:03 PST
From User:
eegosales( 29227)Member is a PowerSeller
100.0% Positive Feedback
Member since Aug-10-05 in United Kingdom
Location : KY, United States
Activity with billy5547 (last 90 days):billy5547 has bid on 0 of my items


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