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Friday, May 28, 2010

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Millatfacebook.com Launched in Lahore To Rival Facebook

Posted: 28 May 2010 06:20 AM PDT

Muslims from all across the globe were shocked and outraged with facebook over the "Celebrate Draw Muhammad" Day. We saw protests all over the Islamic umma against this outrageous act (in the name of free speech). Facebook was banned in Pakistan and afterwards Youtube and Wiki were also partially banned. It was the perfect oppertunity [...]

Twitter – Fast Becoming an e-Pakistani Parliament

Posted: 28 May 2010 03:24 AM PDT

With the advent of technology and a growing number of users in Pakistan switching to internet; many big names have followed their lead. In the recent times after mobile revolution hit the Pakistani market access to internet has become easy; if not very cheap. Other then computers, mobile phones are being used to connect to [...]

Ufone Uth Package

Posted: 28 May 2010 12:01 AM PDT

Ufone launched it’s new package titled Ufone Uth package. I must confess here that the name of the package is very innovative since it keep up with the famous “U” of Ufone and at the same time target Youth aka “Uth” as per Ufone.  The package targets the Pakistani youth segment since it is one [...]


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