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Thursday, May 20, 2010

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Youtube and Wikipedia Banned in Pakistan – Internet Blackout!

Posted: 20 May 2010 12:35 AM PDT

In a recent big the government of Pakistan banned Facebook on 19th May, 2010 against the 'Draw Muhammad Day' in which caricatures were to be made of our beloved Prophet (P.B.U.H). Though the ban received mix response from the users but Facebook issued a statement saying that they were disappointed on the action taken by [...]

Rehman Malik and Article 45 from Constitution of Pakistan

Posted: 19 May 2010 10:13 PM PDT

In a recent bid President of Pakistan Asif Zardari pardoned Rehman Malik from the verdict sentenced by Lahore High Court. The cases filed against Rehman Malik were two NAB references; in one reference he was accused of receiving two luxury cars as gift and in another reference he was accused for taking 20-tola gold and [...]


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