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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Obtaining Driving License in Pakistan

Posted: 29 May 2010 01:51 AM PDT

Some might think Rs 3,000 are enough to get hold of a driving license in Pakistan, by bypassing all the procedures and steps involved. However it is a criminal act and people and police officials involved must be punished. The result of such issued licenses is that we witness bad driving resulting in innocent loss [...]

Join Pakistan Air Force – Technical Side

Posted: 29 May 2010 12:49 AM PDT

In this post i will give you the basic information on how to join Pakistan Air Force (PAF) as commisioned officer. In PAF you will be either joining in as a GD or a Technician. In this artical we are focussing on the technical side of things. For starters lets analyze the courses available in [...]


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