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Monday, May 24, 2010

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Pakistan Education Policy 2009

Posted: 24 May 2010 10:09 AM PDT

Pakistani education sector is one of the most neglected sector of Pakistan. The current literacy rate (definition of literacy is age 15 and over can read and write) is around 49.9% as of 2008. The reason for these poor numbers is the fact that Pakistan spends only 1.8% of its GDP on the education sector [...]

Passport Fee Doubled for Pakistani’s

Posted: 24 May 2010 08:46 AM PDT

The Government of Pakistan led by PPP is leaving no stone unturned to increase more revenues for the government and to further axe the masses by increasing cost of living for them. If the double digit CPI was not enough, the government announced to double the passport fees as well. I am not concerned about [...]


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