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Sunday, February 7, 2010

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Pakistani skier qualifies for Vancouver 2010-Picture Post

Posted: 07 Feb 2010 07:26 AM PST

Photo Courtesy: APP A good news: Pakistani skier Mohammad Abbas became the first man in the country’s history to qualify for the the Winter Olympics, to be held from Feb 12 in Vancouver, Canada. Abbas hails from the Northern Areas of Pakistan which is the home to the country's top ski resort at Nalter, near Gilgit. Abbas [...]

Life in Denmark-As seen by an Expat Pakistani Woman

Posted: 07 Feb 2010 05:34 AM PST

When i first arrived here in Copenhagen in the spring of 2003, I was taken aback by how cold it was even in April. Coming from Karachi where the warm sun keeps us relaxed and at ease, the cold here made me cringe. Its no doubt that Copenhagen is a beautiful city and that I [...]


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