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Friday, February 26, 2010

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Telenor Mobile Accounts - An Easy Paisa Product

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 09:14 PM PST

After the success of Telenor EasyPaisa services like Bill Payment and Money transfer, Telenor has introduced its latest service called Telenor Easy Paisa Mobile Accounts.  Through Easy Paisa Mobile Accounts, customers can transfer transfer money, pay bills and avail alot of other interesting services all through their mobile. With the launch of this service, Telenor [...]

Brig Aziz & The NUML Family Business Scandal

Posted: 25 Feb 2010 06:09 PM PST

Nepotism is the word that i want to emphasize upon at the moment.  Dictionary.com defines it as ‘patronage bestowed or favoritism shown on the basis of family relationship, as in business and politics’. Wiki defines nepotism as ‘ favoritism granted to relatives or friends, without regard to their merit’. A word that has plagues all [...]


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