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Monday, February 22, 2010

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Battle of Titans! By-Polls in NA – 55 Rawalpindi

Posted: 22 Feb 2010 06:04 AM PST

National Assembly's seat no 55; has become one of the most heated and looked forth seat ever in any by-polls elections. The current election's is all about changing loyalties. National Assembly (NA) – 55; comprises of half of the Rawalpindi city. These elections have become more or less like a fierce battle between Pakistan Muslim [...]

Taking Pakistan Forward—PYLC Part II

Posted: 21 Feb 2010 10:51 PM PST

I have always been filled with overwhelming despair when I read the newspaper, and for the past few months now, I’ve stopped reading it. What’s going on, what law has been passed and who is getting swindled; I really don’t know. My participation in an event like PYLC opened my eyes [...]

Pakistan Young Leaders Conference

Posted: 21 Feb 2010 10:44 PM PST

Around 2 weeks back, a friend asked me if I wanted to take part in a conference with her. It seemed interesting so I agreed. I hadn’t really taken part in a lot of conferences and decided to give it a shot this time. I didn’t know what exactly I was [...]

How do We Save a Generation of Displaced People?

Posted: 21 Feb 2010 10:02 PM PST

Loagh.. that was what I learnt.One of the first few words, In Balochi language it means home . In Urdu and Hindi we call it Ghar. Having a home is different from a house for two reasons. A home is supposed to embody love and dreams and a secure feeling of entrenchment which nobody can [...]


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