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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Extreme opposites do not attract

Posted: 26 Feb 2013 12:28 AM PST

Extreme opposites do not attractWanting Different Things out of Life

You differ in what you want out of life to the point there is no compromise; if you want children and your date is adamant that they do not that is never a good sign for the relationship. The desire to travel the world could be had by your partner while you only want to settle down in one spot and spend the rest of your life. Different goals and visions of the life that you want can mean that the two of you are not compatible at all, especially when neither of you is willing to compromise.

The things that you both want out of life should be discussed before you make plans to spend your life with the one that you are dating. Important issues can arise later if the two of you do not see things the same way, if it turns out neither of you is willing to compromise then things are not likely to work out in the long run.

Lifestyles and Tastes Vary To Much

The lifestyles that you and your date have should be compatible, because too many differences will make you uncomfortable in the relationship. You may be into partying and staying out all night while your date is the type to be in church for every service and goes to bed early. The two of you finding a balance to these lifestyles can be difficult. One of you being a workaholic while the other prefers to spend as much time as possible relaxing can cause problems as well. Read more about men and relationships.


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