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Friday, February 8, 2013

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Pro Pakistan

Get the best of your Adwords Campaign

Posted: 08 Feb 2013 10:01 AM PST

Get the best of your Adwords CampaignAlways Place Multiple Ads

The most important thing for an Adwords user to do is to place multiple ads that utilize different keywords and a different initial sales pitch. If you have a $100 to spend on your first outing with Adwords, then you should create four different ads and give each of them a budget of $25. By doing this you will not only increase your odds of reaching a broader audience but you will also learn which keywords and sales techniques work the best for your business.

Monitor Your Ads

Once your ads are in place, you can monitor them to see which keywords are driving the most traffic to your landing page. You can then cross reference that with Google Analytics to determine which keyword is actually providing you with the most paying customers. If you discover that a specific keyword is being clicked on a lot but nothing is coming of it, then you should consider scaling back your bid for those clicks or perhaps even removing that keyword altogether.

After your initial budget runs out, you will want to compare the success rates of each of your ads. If you have a specific ad template or keyword that is providing you with the majority of your traffic, then you should invest most of your Internet advertising budget on it. Keep in mind, however, that the Internet is a constantly changing environment, and what works this week may not work in a couple of months. It is vital to always monitor the performance of your ads and make changes as necessary. If you are offering something for free, then you should also change your offer from time to time and give your landing page a face lift every few months.

Try Adwords for Free

Google's Adwords is their number one source of revenue, and they spend a lot of time trying to acquire new advertisers. You can use this to your advantage, as there are frequently Adwords coupon codes released that allow new advertisers to get their first $50 or $100 free. Most of these codes are only applicable to new advertisers, however, so make sure that you look for one before you place your first order. You can simply look up adwords coupon codes in Google's search engine to find a free code. Google also often offers free codes to people who sign up with specific website hosts, such as Go Daddy, so make sure to check into that, too. Read more about Google Adwords Campaign.


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