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Monday, April 15, 2013

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Stand Up Bits YouTube Channels

Posted: 15 Apr 2013 09:29 AM PDT

YouTube has a new face in the comedy department, the new website, StandUpBits, which promises to fill the gap in terms of streamlined comedy content on the internet. The new site, which has 4,500 videos currently, is also promising to unveil a new video every single day from its inception.

Social networking connects are available through Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, and viewers and users are encouraged to check back regularly for new releases and updates. The site is online through YouTube and is available at StandUpBits YouTube Channel.

Comedy has its roots in radio and television. Internet sites like Comedy Central tends to be an echo of already-televised content, so StandUpBits, will stand out from the start by offering an alternative to searching for already-existing content. In that way, this site promises to be a breath of fresh air. More information at the website itself.

Make sure to visit StandUpBits on YouTube, StandUpBits Facebook, StandUpBits Twitter and StandUpBits Pinterest – Also make sure to check out StandUpBits website.


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