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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Facebook’s New and Exciting Feature “Instagram”

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 05:23 AM PST

Facebook will offer and new and exciting way to show off your beautiful pictures through a new app called "Instagram." Along with this new app to showcase your best photo experiences yet, also features the original team of Instagram, to the social network "Facebook." What better way to ensure the best support and integrated future of Instagram!

Facebook staff will not change what Instagram currently offers, but expand and improve to make Instagram even better. Not only will you be able to upload your unique and personal photos to Facebook, but Instagram gives you the freedom to upload the photos within other social networks.

Facebook already incorporates photos into their social networking family. Photos between family, friends and new acquaintances. Intentions of Facebook are to continue through this new app to have followers and to follow people that may not currently be your friends.

Instagram has already so many users, many more then Facebook has ever seen. Now with the two companies, as one united under the Facebook team, this will enhance one of the most interesting features under Facebook-the pictures. Pictures bring everything to life.

Facebook cannot help but improve on whatever flaws Instagram may bring to its' new home. New faces, old mistakes and a strong team to grow to new levels of capabilities.

What about Facebook and the dislikes of the current Facebook family? There is always room for improvement in any business. But one thing is for sure "curiosity killed the cat." Many will want to try out this new app in hopes that improvement with lead to another new, fun and interesting feature to make personal social networking pages better. Youtube Video about the Facebook Instagram deal. Many people currently a member of Facebook will only continue to stay committed to their involvement and contributions to the currently "number one" social network online.

When joining together both teams of Facebook and Instagram, possibilities scream success for both Facebook and for those that are a participant of Facebook.


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