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Saturday, January 19, 2013

Pro Pakistan

Pro Pakistan

Facebook Buying Instagram Expands Its Control

Posted: 19 Jan 2013 05:59 AM PST

With the latest acquisition by Facebook, it is proving to quickly become a giant on the Internet. Most people already knew Facebook was a giant, but the recent expansion will put it up on the heels of acquiring other web properties which were giants. You may want to recall Google doing the same thing when it started to buy quite a bit of properties like feedburner, YouTube, and other listings which helped them out. So you have to wonder what is Facebooks ideas on the buying of this site.

The main thing you will think of is Facebook wanted to expand their reach to other sites and keep their business model revolving. Now this is something other social networking sites did not do, and you can easily see these sites have started to fail. Some of these sites have even tried to change in recent months, but they are still failing because they did not listen to the expansion of the market and thought they would be safe with just one model for the site.

Another thing you may want to consider is Facebook may want to expand their business model to include other sites and servers. When they do this, it can greatly enhance the experience of the users. For example, they can easily share any of their pictures they have listed on this site to Facebook. No longer will they have to set up an external link to a site or even try to import the pictures. This aspect, though, will depend on how Facebook sets up the connectivity of the site. Check out the Youtube video Facebook is buying Instagram

Remaining the top dog for social media is Facebook’s goal. However, the question will remain if the purchase of Instagram will be an expansion for the positive of if Facebook is only looking to expand its revenue base. The big benefit, though, is the addition of a photo sharing site to Facebook which will make improvements on pictures easy to do on your Facebook page if set up properly.


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